Visionary Health Compounding Chemist News


For the Cardiovascular System

by | Feb 24, 2010 | General | 0 comments

1)  Healthy food pyramid with less simple sugars and trans/saturated fats

2)  Regular exercise

3)  Time for stress relaxation

4)  Specialized nutrients:

a.  Multivitamin formulation

b.  Probiotics to detoxify chemicals and regulate immune functions

c.  Marine lipids to reduce proinflammatory cytokines, maintain healthy cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure

d.  CoQ10 for healthy heart function and anti-hypertensive action

e.  Magnesium, amino acids and folic acid for optimum heart health and reduced risk factors for heart disease

Call into Visionary Health so we may help you improve your health. For a  cardiovascular risk assessment make an appointment with David Henderson, Orthomeculare Nutritionist.

Mexitil 200mg capsules 100 are available. Phone 02-4969.5081
