Visionary Health Compounding Chemist News


Weight Loss Express

See how you can be slimmer, have more vitality and get the most out of life…

If you have been trying to lose weight, you have probably come to the realization that some types of diets are better than others, or that some will work but only for a short while.

  • No Calorie Counting
  • Fast Results
  • Metabolic Assessment
  • Hormone assessment
  • Start Today
  • Lose 1 – 2 kilos per week!!

A Healthy Weight Management Program should help you not only lose stored body fat (not waterand muscle as can happen on many fad diets), but also keep the excess weight off for the long term.

A program like this is designed to look after your health and well-being for the rest of your life, not only as a short term solution so that you look your best for a particular special occasion, such as a  wedding, 21st birthday, summer holiday in swimwear or the like.



Find out how to finally lose weight.

1. Metabolic blood Test
Assists to work out your metabolic blocks and with the results, speed up your metabolic rate.

2. Fat to Muscle Ratio Test
Recording your fat % and ongoing fat loss, not muscle or fluid loss.

3. Diet Compatibility Test
Which diet is right for you?

4. Temperature and Pulse Testing
To determine overall metabolic dysfunction

5. Hormone Tests.
Find out if your hormones are working against you.

Contact us to find out how you too can lose 1 – 2 kilos per week!!

Make  an appointment with David Henderson, our Orthomolecular Nutritionist and weight-loss  expert. With specific metabolic testing,  find out how you can  lose weight more effectively.

Call in or contact VISIONARY HEALTH for more information.
